prodisc® C SK Surgical Technique w/ prodisc Cervical V2 Instrument Set

This animation, from Centinel Spine, demonstrates the surgical technique for the motion-preserving prodisc C SK Total Disc Replacement procedure, to be used with the prodisc Cervical V2 Instrument Set.

Based upon the proven prodisc® CORE technology, the prodisc C SK is one of four devices in the prodisc Cervical Portfolio and Match-the-Disc™ Platform.

Category: Educational

Our Products:

prodisc C Vivo
prodisc C SK
prodisc C Nova
prodisc C
prodisc L

The Story of Centinel Spine

Watch this short primer on Centinel Spine and its unique and extraordinary place as a catalyst of change in the spine industry—with pioneering technologies and a clinical history that have led to successes ranging from PGA champions to a growing list of surgeon-patients.